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Record number of radioactive particles found on beaches near Sellafield

"Seven beaches contained 383 particles found in 2020-11, while Sellafield insists health risks are 'very low'"


Rio+20 was grim but optimism and innovation could turn things around

"John Elkington had not imagined quite how badly the UN summit in Rio would fail, but, ever optimistic, he outlines his plans to turn things around"

Category: Climate Change


What is the Higgs boson? - video

"Ian Sample explains what a Higgs boson is, how Cern physicists are looking for it, and why it matters if they find it"

Category: Big Science


Nasa's Curiosity Mars rover: the stakes couldn't be higher

"Stuart Clark: Nasa's latest attempt to land on the red planet will probably be the last one for a while as budget cuts bite"

Category: Space


How to bet on climate change

"Pascal's Wager is more useful for deciding which way to go on climate change than on, say, religion"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 196 to 200 out of 2977